The use of representation is extremely important in the world of media. It is what allows companies to have long lasting impacts on their audience through various factors such as color, sound, gender, race, sexuality, religion, different styles, and so much more. Today, I will be discussing the use of representation and its importance in two commercials from the company's H&M and Axe.
First, let’s go over what is happening in this brands commercial. In this 2006 ad from Axe, hundreds of women of different races in bikinis are depicted charging through the wild. These women's physical features fit society's beauty standard at the time. As seen a few more seconds in, they are running towards a white male using the new Axe body spray with a grin across his face. There are a multitude of slow motion shots of the women's breasts as they continue to run his way up until the very last few seconds of the commercial. Now that we have established what is shown in the commercial, let’s explain how the use of representation is used and how it is impacting the audience.
The male seen using the spray is starting to smile as he sees the amount of women running towards him. He starts to aggressively spray more and more as the women appear causing him to indulge in their presence. The men watching this at home are being shown that if they use this spray, huge quantities of women will be attracted to them. This is emphasized by all of the different ethnicities of women depicted. The satisfaction on his face is also demonstrating to them males watching that this should be their all time goal.
The male audience isn’t the only one being influenced here as the women are also being affected. The women in this commercial are automatically seen as animalistic and showing that their utmost desire is to be with the man using the spray. This commercial is degrading and dehumanizing towards the women as it insinuates that they are only valued for their physical features and sexual prowess. It also illustrates the concept of women serving men in society. The unrealistic beauty standards shown can have severe effects on the females of all ages watching at home as they begin to internalize the idea that they are only valued for their physical beauty and that they should be competing with others for a man.
Overall, the use of representation in this commercial can have severe negative effects on its audience. It was insensitive to its audience.
This brands commercial is in polarity with the first. This ad depicts an enormous array of people showing off clothes from the brand in different places. They included a person narrating the ad encouraging individuals to step out and be themselves. Unlike the first commercial, this ad is one of the most inclusive I have ever seen as it uses representation to display people of all different sizes, ages, genders, ethnicities, class, styles, and more.
This use of representation has a positive impact on its viewers as it is encouraging them to dress how they want and show off their personality to the world. The use of various kinds of people is emphasizing that no matter who you are or where you come from, do not be afraid to do what you want. This ad utilized the power of representation to the fullest and is instilling a message of love to people everywhere.
After completing this analysis, my only message to my readers is to use the second ad as a role model and to be inclusive. :)